300-400 words
Vittorio De Sica’s “The Bicycle Thief” is revered as one of the foundation stones of Italian neorealism – the post-war Italian philosophy of filmmaking. Explain why “Bicycle Thief” is one of the crown jewels of neorealism with regard to narrative, location, actors, dialogue and camerawork.
While researching your response consider the following quote from “Bicycle Thief” screenwriter, Cesare Zavattini: "My fixed idea is to deromanticize the cinema. I want to teach people to see daily life with the same passion they experience in reading a book." Cesare Zavattini
(NOTE: Each response should be formal. Include your full name. Remember - you are not texting me. Capitalize appropriate letters. Use punctuation, spell check, etc. The assignment is DUE ON THURSDAY by 8 P.M. Any late entries will not be counted - you will receive a zero for the assignment. You can either post your assignment or you can print out a hard copy for me and hand it to me at lecture on Tuesday. I will not accept any hard copies at discussion on Friday.)