Monday, 24 October 2011

"Memories of Underdevelopment" assignment - Intro to Screen Studies

200 Words

Is Tomas Gutierrez Alea's "Memories of Underdevelopment" a film that
uses conventional or radical forms of filmmaking? Does his form
achieve politicizing effects? Why or why not? Give specific examples
of scenes in the film that demonstrate either conventional or radical
form and how this scene(s) relates to the overall narrative and its
political or apolitical standpoint.

NOTE: Each response should be formal. Include your full name. Remember
- you are not texting me. Capitalize appropriate letters. Use
punctuation, spell check, etc. The assignment is DUE ON THURSDAY by 8
P.M. Any late entries will not be counted - you will receive a zero
for the assignment. You can either post your assignment or you can
print out a hard copy for me and hand it to me at lecture on Tuesday.
I will not accept any hard copies at discussion on Friday .

Sunday, 2 October 2011



(NOTE: Each response should be formal. Include your full name. Remember - you are not texting me. Capitalize appropriate letters. Use punctuation, spell check, etc. The assignment is DUE ON THURSDAY by 8 P.M. Any late entries will not be counted - you will receive a zero for the assignment. You can either post your assignment or you can print out a hard copy for me and hand it to me at lecture on Tuesday. I will not accept any hard copies at discussion on Friday.

250 Words

1st question.) What makes Elsa (Rita Hayworth) a classic femme fatale?

(What does Welles reveal about Elsa (her personality/past/etc) to the audience? What doesn’t he reveal? What do her costumes signify? How does the film’s voiceover narration imply that she is a femme fatale?)

250 Words

2nd question.) How does the film’s cinematography disorient the audience? Does it add to the ominous storyline? Why or why not?

(Discuss camera angles, close ups, crane shots, over the shoulder shots, focus, etc in your answer.)